Hospice Tairāwhiti services are for people who have reached a palliative stage in their illness where the focus of treatment is on comfort and quality of life rather than cure.
Who can be referred?
Hospice services are for patients with any advanced, progressive and life-limiting disease that require the services of a specialist palliative care team to assist in management of care. Health professionals may refer patients when the complexity of the illness is such that specialist assistance is needed to achieve control of symptoms and provide social, psychological and spiritual support to the patient and family. People may self refer, though we would request permission to confirm diagnosis with your GP or specialist.
How are referrals prioritised?
Referrals are prioritised according to the complexity of problems presented. From the date the referral is received, our standard is that contact is made to patient/whanau within 24 hours for urgent referrals, and 2-5 working days for routine referrals.
Discharge from our care
Patients who have been clinically stable for a period of two to three months may be discharged from the service, but in each case, patients can be re-referred if the need arises.
Download a Referral Form
The form below can be used to refer a patient to our hospice services. Once completed in full please fax the form to our office. Process of this referral will be delayed if there is insufficient supporting evidence. Please fax referrals to: 06 869 0566 or email to referrals@hospicetairawhiti.org.nz
Hospice Tairāwhiti Referral Form
or Healthcare professionals may refer on line. Remember to choose Tairāwhiti as the service to refer to.
Hospice Tairāwhiti referral- via PalCare for Health Professionals